What is Access Bars?

Access Bars® is a gentle hands-on modality that was first developed by author and speaker Gary M. Douglas in the 1990s. The Bars are 32 unique energy points located on the head that correlate to different aspects and areas of life such as thoughts, ideas, decisions, attitudes, and beliefs. When these points are gently touched, the electromagnetic charge of these self-limiting aspects and areas are released, which then allows an effective and tremendous change. The Bars are a vital tool of Access Consciousness®.

During your session


• You will be asked to lay on a massage bed in a position that is most comfortable to you. (a chair can be provided upon request), you do not remove any clothing

• You will be asked to refrain from touching or crossing your hands as this is believed to disrupt the flow of energy. You will also notice that unlike other relaxation-based modalities, there will be no music playing in the room, as this is believed to interfere with the brain activity occurring while your bars are being run. The running of the bars involves touching various points on your head, and this is likely to feel like a gentle, relaxing massage.

• Your session will last between 30 to 60 minutes (while a session for children will only last for a few minutes, depending on the child’s age).

• Your session will be unique to you. Each session is different as everyone responds differently. Some have a complete sense of relaxation, while others fall asleep. Emotional people have been reported to laugh or cry for no apparent reason. Most clients end the session feeling happy and in a more peaceful state than before.

Are you feeling limited and blocked in your life?


What if you could change the thoughts, emotions and feelings which limit you?

Common blockages that Access Bars Therapy helps to release surround issues such as:


• Money

• Health

• Creativity

• Manifesting

• Peace, Calm & Healing

• Communication

• Aging Beliefs

• Creating Life Form

• Increase power & connections

• Control

• Kindness & gratitude

• Sadness & joy

• Sexuality

• Hopes & dreams

Once the above energy centres are unblocked, your life may change. You will be able to receive more.

Is Access Bars safe?


Access Bars is completely safe as it’s non-invasive and doesn’t pose any adverse events. Anyone can benefit from it regardless of their age, gender or health condition, especially those who suffer from mental and emotional issues. A study on this modality reveals that a 90-minute session can reduce depression and anxiety by more than 80 percent.



$70 for 45 Minute Session


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