What is AromaTouch® Massage?

Aromatouch is a specific type of massage that integrates essential oils with therapeutic touch to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and support overall well-being. Developed by Dr. David K. Hill, the AromaTouch technique uses eight different essential oils, each selected for their specific therapeutic benefits, and applies them in a specific sequence on the back, neck, and feet.

The process typically involves:

1. Application of Essential Oils: Essential oils are applied in a particular order and method to enhance their effectiveness. Each oil is chosen for its properties, such as calming, balancing, or energizing effects.

2. Massage Technique: The massage combines light touch with the essential oils to help them penetrate the skin and reach the underlying tissues. The technique aims to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes.

3. Focus on Specific Areas: The AromaTouch® technique targets areas of the body that are believed to be key to reducing stress and promoting balance.

During your session


• You will be face down on the massage table, and need to remove foot-wear and all clothing from the waist up. 

• A light touch will be used to apply oils one at a time, predominantly on your back but also moving to your head, ears and feet. 

• Following your AromaTouch® massage there will be a 10 minute sound healing therapy tailored for you utilising sound bowls and tuning forks.

• After the session you will feel deeply relaxed. You may feel more grounded, rested or calm.

Essential Oils Used:

Balance: Promotes a sense of well-being and helps balance emotions.

Lavender: Known for its calming and relaxing effects.

Melaleuca (Tea Tree): Supports a healthy immune response and has soothing properties.

On Guard: Designed to support the immune system and protect against environmental threats.

AromaTouch: A blend meant to reduce stress and tension.

Deep Blue: Known for its soothing effects on muscles and joints.

Cypress: Helps with circulation and detoxification.

Peppermint: Energizes and refreshes, and can help with mental clarity.



$85 for 60 Minute Session

Pregnancy and Medical Conditions: Pregnant women or individuals with certain medical conditions should consult with a healthcare provider before undergoing the treatment.


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